Mission for Establishment of Human Rights in Iran 

House Resolution 33

The Islamic Regime of Iran must be held Accountable for 

Violating the Human Rights of Iranians

Honorable Congresswoman Jackson-Lee,


I would like to express my appreciation and support for the H. Res 33. This resolution is unprecedented in recognizing the Iranians sufferings under the Islamic Regime of Iran (IRI) and has gone beyond the customary ineffective lip service to human rights of Iranians. Repeated calls in H. Res. 33 for holding the IRI officials accountable for its violations of human rights, including freedom of religion, is very encouraging.


Since its inception, the IRI has been condemned regularly by all international human rights organization, UN, EU, and U.S. State Department, with little and lasting effect on the human rights conditions in Iran . The reason has been the lack of IRI’s accountability for violating the human rights of Iranians. In a wide range of sanctions imposed against the IRI, there is no condition whatsoever regarding the human rights violations in general and release of the Iranian prisoners of conscience in particular.


The extreme policies of either attacking Iran or making friendly relations with the Islamic Regime are both against the interests of the Iranian people and the entire world. This black and white foreign policy has been mainly adopted and dictated by the Islamic Regime and its Iranian lobby groups and individuals.

Unlike any sort of military attack on Iran that would have disastrous consequences for the Iranian people, a smart sanction against the religious dictatorship in Iran and holding it accountable for not abiding by international human rights standards, will be a clear and strong message to Iranians that the world community is with them and is not recognizing their abusers. This will encourage the Iranian people to arm themselves with the weapon of nonviolence and civil disobedience more than ever and, by toppling this terrorist regime, eliminate the dangers it poses to humanity.

It is therefore of great interests to many Iranians, if section (4F) of resolution 33 is clarified in the sense that any dialog with the IRI would be only for serving it with warnings regarding its human rights violations and that the Islamic Regime in its entirety would be accountable if they don’t comply with the international norms and treaties. 


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