Urge President Obama and your Senator to Give Human Rights in Iran a Chance




"Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the Universe.  

But Maybe, by raising my voice, I can help in the greatest of all causes:  

goodwill among human beings and peace on earth"


                                                                                   - Albert Einstein, 1920<<



Urge your Senator to Give Human Rights in Iran a Chance

If you are concerned about human rights violation against the women in Iran, say no to recognition of their abuser, the Islamic Regime in Iran, by the world community.

If you are disturbed and concerned about the execution of 154 prisoners in the last two months in Iran, say no to the appeasing policies toward the murderous regime in Iran. Just imagine what will happen when the interests of the world governments are interwoven with existence of this regime.

If you value the effort of freedom loving Iranians for a secular democracy, act to free the political prisoners in Iran.

Only slogans will not achieve the above goals. Please act as detailed in the following links in both English and Persian:

 Counteracting the legitimization of the Islamic Regime in Iran Advocated by Lobbyists  

شروعی دیراما هنوز تعیین کننده برای مقابله با لابی گران و هویت بخشیدن به ایرانیان برون مرز

And once again, as a first step sign the proposed petition and promote it.

Petition: Oppose the legitimization of  the Islamic Regime in Iran by

supporting S. 1881 Smart Sanction


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